Based on our experience, at the Fundación Xana we firmly believe in the importance of applying integrative medicine to support patients' well-being throughout their illness and beyond. That's why the Xana Foundation collaborates with the
Paediatric Integrative Oncology Unit at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (UOPI), a pioneering unit of its kind in Spain, sharing and endorsing its philosophy wholeheartedly.
Established in 2019, UOPI is dedicated to meeting the needs of children and teenagers battling cancer, as well as their families, who are deeply invested in their children's well-being.
The Paediatric Integrative Oncology Unit addresses
patients' physical and emotional needs in tandem with evidence-based conventional treatments. The main treatments offered include oncological nutrition and paediatric acupuncture, whose efficacy in oncology is supported by substantial evidence. These and other complementary therapies, such as yoga and aromatherapy, have proven instrumental in enhancing children's well-being, mitigating treatment side effects, minimising conventional treatment-related toxicities and fostering a positive impact on patients' quality of life.
Both emotionally and physically, alternative therapies can help alleviate treatment side effects. At the Xana Foundation, we advocate for the application of both conventional and alternative medicines as an inseparable duo to enhance the well-being and expedite the recovery of children undergoing treatment.
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