How do you wish to collaborate?

Your contribution helps us offer support and assistance to children and young people suffering from serious illnesses and to their families. Your donation means so much more than just money.

Keep in mind that your collaboration comes with tax benefits. You could potentially recover up to 80% of your charitable contribution.

More information

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Payment method

Credit/Debit Card


Direct Debit

Make your donation swiftly and securely with your mobile phone using RedSys

How does it work? You will be redirected to a secure payment portal on RedSys to pay with your mobile device.
When you finish, you will return here to see your donation receipt.

Make your donation swiftly and securely with your mobile phone using Bizum

How does it work? You will be redirected to a secure payment portal on Bizum to pay with your mobile device.
When you finish, you will return here to see your donation receipt.

If you prefer, you can make your donation on Bizum directly with the following code: 09276

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Socially Responsible Company

If you are a committed company, you can help us continue our projects with longer-term collaboration

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